As a gardener you learn that each year is a new year and no two years are the same, so reading though your Journals of the past years is as important to your success as this is because weather, pest, soil and time spent all effect growing and no two years are presented with the same conditions. I have my Journals 8 years back on this web site and invite you to read and see how each year, each growing season is presented with vastly different conditions. I also have videos in the Journals of our efforts and fun and some even funny which will give you some ideas to create your best gardens and landscape for you.

 This is good point to let you know that all the rain and snow melt that hits the roof of our house is funneled from the downspouts to the goldfish pond, so the pond gets a fresh water source and when it gets filled it overflows to the orchard to water the trees and feed the trees from the fish waste nutrients. As an organic and a green family it is a easy way of creating some great fruit. One of the great things I did when we bought our house is that each year at Christmas we bought a Balled and Bur lapped Evergreen Tree, brought it in for a week decorated it and then planted on Christmas Day. We did this ever year and landscaped our quarter acre and also created a wind break for winter keep our house warmer, made our yard aesthetically appealing and to save energy. The Last couple of years we harvested Red Cedar trees from our yard that have sprouted in our yard because the neighbor has Red Cedar that floats seeds through out the yard and I let some of them grow in areas with no impact to use as our Christmas trees when they got to Christmas Tree size. Very nice trees and the smell is great.

During the summer, it got warm and the frogs came to visit


I encourage you to feed your local birds and the migrating birds in the spring as they will eat bugs that are coming out in the spring to feed their young as they nest or stop off to their ultimate nesting area. This will help in keeping insect populations to a more manageable level without using pesticides. We planted a couple of types of Milkweed to help the Monarchs and since the first year each year we get Monarchs stopping off . Please plant Milkweed, you will be richly rewarded. Ponds attract Firefly's (Lightning Bugs) which need our help which are great for the garden!!!

Jan. 1st

Its cold and best thing to do is peruse the Seed Catalogues

Jan. 8th

The Seed catalogs are streaming in. Too cold for much else. We are still enjoying frozen Peaches, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Kale, Tomato's, Okra, canned Pears, Peppers, one Pumpkin ass a Living room decor and last 3 Tomatoes that just finally turned red from picking all the green tomatoes before our first frost.

Jan. 15th

Nice week for Jan. but seed catalogs save the day.The Fig tree in the kitchen is leafing out with also Figs.

Jan 22nd

More Seed Catalogues. I bought some seed starting soil for when the greenhouse it is ready to start cold veggies starts.

Jan 29

We got our first big snow 9 ", spent most of the weekend shoveling snow and scraping off the roof of the greenhouse. New seed catalogues never had before. The fig tree in the house has about 10 figs on it, still green.

Feb.. 11th

We got our Feb.. thaw and temperatures have been above normal for a week and melted the snow except where piles were. I planted Lettuce, Spinach and Cauliflower in the greenhouse. I trimmed a couple trees. Looking for something to try new this year from the Seed catalogues. The Fig in the house has about 12 Figs on it. I also got one the cuttings off the Fig tree to root.

Feb.. 19th

It snowed again about 5 inches but by this weekend it will melt most of it as it is in the 40's. Looking for things I never have grown before in seed catalogues. On a sunny day it gets up to 60 degrees in Greenhouse so the seeds should germinate pretty fast.

March 5th

Rain is the theme of this winter. In the greenhouse Spinach and Lettuce is breaking ground. It was sunny on most days so it got up to 60 on those days to get the seeds to germinate. Once they germinate even the cold temps at night will not bother them. The flowers by the house are breaking ground.

March 26th

Dry in garden enough to rotor till. All cover crop, leaves and yard clippings all tilled under. I planted about 300 Onions about dime sized. The Spinach, Lettuces in the Green House doing well. In one of the raised beds I planted Beets, Peas and Radish. I went to the local nursery for our tradition of buying of and planting Purple Pansies to start off the Spring growing season. Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinth and Globe flowers are up. Planted some Gladioli os. Looks like we have a Robin's and a Dove's nest so far this year as residents.

April 2nd

Cold and wet week, did some tree trimming and raking more back yard. The greenhouse plants grew a little more. No sign of anything growing in garden or raised beds except Strawberry plants. The Barrel/ Butterfly garden in front yard is slowly coming to life. I planted Lily and Cane bulbs. Cold Spring will be a late spring.

April 9th

Much sunnier week as the spinach, lettuce and cauliflower took off in the greenhouse. I replaced the floor in the green house as it was old and cracking. I planted some more flower bulbs and planted shallots in the garden. The fruit trees showing little sign of life yet, just a little change in size of Apricot Buds. More raking of back yard for the compost tumbler. No sign of life in Rain/Rock garden as it is just drying out. The Butterfly garden in front yard has normal spring bulbs (Tulips Daffodils etc.) sprouting out. Globe flowers have sprouted out by the house. I planted Pepper and Tomato seeds in trays as the greenhouse now hits 85 plus degrees in full sunny day. Raspberries showing some life .



Here's what 5 days of 70 degree weather does for you. The Apricot and Peach trees are blooming. The Magnolia started to bloom. The Daffodils are in full bloom. The Rhubarb is bursting out of the ground. The Cauliflower starts in greenhouse are big enough to plant out in the garden. The Onions are breaking ground. The Spinach in the greenhouse is almost ready to eat. The Butterfly barrel garden is coming to life. Some of the Lettuce in the greenhouse will be ready to eat. I planted Beets and Radish in the garden. Horseradish is doing as well as the Rhubarb. I planted in the greenhouse Tomato and Pepper seeds from last year. I also planted in the greenhouse flower seeds for my wife. Strawberry plants making an appearance


April 23rd

Cold week but I did transplant the Cauliflower (from seed) from greenhouse to garden. Also planted sweet onion starts and some more shallots in the garden. Tomato plants coming up and some unidentifiable flowers. Lettuce and Spinach in greenhouse almost ready to eat.The rock/rain garden has come to life including the Peony. The Barrel garden has really taken off. Peach trees all in bloom, Apricots already done. Magnolia and Redbud's in bloom. Daffodils at their peak. The Pear trees just starting to bloom. Raspberry plants have taken off too. The Gooseberry and Glibber plants are leafing out. Planted some Peas in the garden. The Peas I planted in the raised bed are up.


April 30th

It has been a cold week as the fruit tree blossoms are going in slow motion to open up. Planted Beans in raised beds and garden. Moved a couple of Host as to rain/rock garden. Onions finally making a showing. Strawberry plants starting to grow. Little progress in greenhouse as it has been cold with little sun. The rock/rain garden has come to life.The Barrel / Butterfly garden is doing well. Some signs of Asparagus coming up. Cabbage plants in garden are adjusting to being transplanted from the greenhouse. Some of the Lettuce and Spinach ready to eat


May 7th

Great weekend planted Sunflower, Squash, and Pumpkin seeds in the garden. Planted also Kalahari, Cucumber and Squash starts in the garden from our local nursery. Planted a few Pepper starts in containers from local nursery. In the garden the Peas, Radish and more Onions are up. In the greenhouse Tomato plants from seed are about an inch tall. Lettuce used some in a sandwich. Going to let Spinach get a little bigger before harvest. Flower seeds germinated in greenhouse, wait a little longer before transplanting around the yard. The Rock/Rain garden is doing great. The Butterfly Barrel garden is also doing great.The yard is in full bloom. We have Asparagus coming up in the raised bed but very small and young. Planted some Celery starts in raised bed. I buy starts from a nursery when I only need a few as like Celery, it's easier, less time, space and energy. I grow in greenhouse as Tomato, Peppers and Cauliflower as we eat allot and choosing , saving seeds, your favorites to grow again. As in the greenhouse the fun I also try new types to grow from seed either by buying the seeds directly or buying the plant and saving seeds in the fall.



Planted Corn, Pumpkin, Cucumbers and Sunflowers in the garden. In the garden Beans, Peas, Radish and Shallots are up. Planted from greenhouse Flowers started from seed. The Bulb flowers I planted are breaking ground. The Apple and Crabapple only fruit trees still in bloom. Redbud's and Magnolia still blooming because the cold weather slowed them to a crawl. The Rock/ Rain garden and Butterfly Barrel garden doing great. In the greenhouse it looks like the Tomato and Pepper plants are doing better with more sun. Took the Fig tree in the house outside, no sign of life of Fig tree growing out side yet. The Evergreens started break buds start growing.

May 21st

Transplanted most of the flower starts from the greenhouse to the yard. The Beans, Peas, Turnips and Radish are up in the garden with sunny warm week but no real rain, down about 2 inches. Had Radish and Green Onions with our salad from the garden. Had a few Asparagus. The warm sunny week gave us much growth on everything. Raspberries and Goose Berries are starting to bloom. Still to early to tell if the cold and wet weather during fruit blossoms out had a major effect on fruit set. Tomato and Pepper starts in greenhouse are slow going. The Tomato plants in contains on south of the house are doing great. Planted Corn, Cucumbers, Squash and Pumpkins in the garden. Picked up a couple Tomato plants at the local nursery to try this year and planted them in the garden. My wife made some Peach crumble.

May 28th

It is getting really dry, I am doing something I do not do this early in the season as May is usually our wettest month, I am watering the garden and anything else needing it. The positive is the weather is like mid summer and things are just growing faster. Corn is only no show of seeds planted not coming up. Peppers are taking off in the greenhouse. Tomato plants ready to transplant in the garden. I picked the Figs off the Fig tree I brought outside, very good. The Rock/Rain garden is loving this warm weather as is the Butterfly/Barrel garden. Lettuce, Radish and Onions growing well still a plenty to eat but Spinach is spent. Evergreen trees now really growing fast. Transplanted some more Flowers from greenhouse grown from seed to the yard. Most of the bulbs and corms that I planted have made an appearance. An Oak tree a Squirrel planted last year has survived and I will continue to protect. Strawberry plants are doing well.

June 4th

Well the drought continues and have to water everything as May produced a half an inch of rain and no real rain in the forecast the next 10 days. That saying the warm days have everything growing as it is already mid summer. I transplanted 35 plus Tomato plants grown in the greenhouse from last years saved seed to the garden. I rattled the section vacated by all the green onions we have eaten this spring, still more to harvest. We will grow the Peppers in the greenhouse as just love it there. The Rock/Rain garden is doing well it still has moisture from spring rains. The Butterfly/ Barrel garden is doing well as it is pretty much native plants so their hereditary can tolerate droughts. The Cauliflower from seed (greenhouse) to garden is doing great. Each year I seem to have a surprise success. I still have lettuce in contains which have not bolted. The Spinach has bolted and picked the last of it. Fruit spotted forming Peaches, Gooseberries, Grapes and Raspberries. Everything in the garden is growing like it is Mid Summer. The only thing not spotted yet is Corn as we have our local wildlife dining in at our garden.


We got some rain but was very little so we are still in a major drought. That saying , I did water twice this past week just to keep them going. I planted another 20 tomato plants from greenhouse to the place where Onions were before we harvested, always fun to see what saved seed produces. Peaches on trees are about quarter size. We have Strawberries in the raised bed. The evergreen trees did well in new growth despite the drought. Some of the Pepper plants in greenhouse have flowers. Two of the Tomato plants in the containers on south side of house have flowers already as sun and heat has helped but I have to water them every other day. Holding off on the Butterfly plant seed mix for the rock/rain garden until a good rain otherwise I am just feeding the birds. Lettuce still doing well as I kept in contains as it bolts later. We have a new bird family a Sparrow taking up residence in bird house on garage. Seen new bird a large Woodpecker, coming in for a drink of water from our goldfish pond. I think there is some Corn growing, maybe not all the seed got eaten by the local dinner guests.

June 18th

Transplanted most of the Tomato plants to the garden taking place of the harvested Green Onions. Green Onions go good in everything. Now the fun to see what type of Tomatoes I get, always fun. Picked first Strawberry, can't let them sit on plant too long or the local wild life will be eating gourmet. First Morning Glories, deep purple. Still have to water as we are still in a drought. See some Peas forming. Garden is doing well as watering is only thing keeping it going and sunny days. Peaches on trees are getting bigger. Pepper plants grown from seed are replacing the Lettuce in the greenhouse as it is bolting but the Lettuce out in the containers outside are doing good, as soon as I miss a watering the Lettuce outside, it will bolt. Summer is here the Peonies are blooming. Transplanted a bunch of Pepper starts from seed to cups and containers in the greenhouse. Raspberries are forming. My wife made some Mini Raspberry pies.


June 25th

It finally rained!! Everything this morning looked so much better and it rained little more. Planted some more flowers from the greenhouse. Did some more flowers by seed, this time petunias. Pick some Peas, Onions and Lettuce. The Peaches grew over night and the Raspberries should have enough moisture to be robust as opposed to just drying out. The Rose bush in full bloom as is the Peony. Planted some more Tomato plants replacing the Onions. Got some Peppers (Sweet Banana) put in my meat loaf sandwich. The garden looks so much better now that it has rained. I planted Watermelon starts from seed from the greenhouse. If it hot summer we should get some, otherwise they don't do really great, always try things, sometimes it works out. Cherries (allot) are just about ripe. We do have a few Apricots and Apples on the trees. Gooseberries are getting bigger but still green (red when ripe). Milkweed is about to flower. Mulberries are ripe and eaten as I walk by. We have Blackberry flowers. We have Pears but small yet.

July 2nd

Well it finally rained and a good soaking rain. Picked enough Tart Cherries for 2 pies. Picked more Mulberries. The Raspberries are ready to start picking. The rain made the garden to grow allot over night. Planted 6 more Tomato plants from the greenhouse replacing the harvested Onions. Calla Lily bloomed as is the Tiger Lilies. The Marigolds I picked from seed last year and grew in the greenhouse this year are blooming.The Rose bush still blooming. I have more Peppers on my pepper plants in the greenhouse. I think I will for now on, always grow Peppers in the greenhouse, it is so easy. The veining plants (Pumpkin etc.) are now starting to really grow now. Peaches are are growing again. Goose Berries almost ready to pick. Picked some more Peas. The Milkweed are Blooming. Poppies are blooming. The Chicago Fig tree in the ground took off. Grapes are much bigger. The Butterfly Flower mix I sowed in Rain/Rock garden should germinate now since this is the first significant rain since May 1st. The Host as in there are about to send up their flowers. Great Lakes my Local Cactus is growing well in this heat. Crabapples getting big. The Calligraphist are showing some size.

July 9th

Picked 2 zip lock sandwich size bags of Raspberries so far. Made another Cherry Gullet. Put Peppers in my meat loaf sandwich. Still picking Lettuce from containers (best way to grow here). Everything growing good with the rain. Corn and Sunflowers being toppled over and chewed on, most likely a Raccoon. Kalmia putting on some size. Planted the the last of Tomato plants from seed in containers in greenhouse so I can extend the Tomato season a bit, about 20 plants total. It is always fun to see what saved seed produces. The Lilies are blooming as is the Poppies, Alkalifies Daisies and Morning Glories. The Marigolds by seed all blooming. Rose bush is about done. Peaches Pears and Grapes put on some size with the rain. Still eating Mulberries off the tree. The Cactus had growth spurt in this heat. The in ground Fig tree (Chicago Fig) is putting on some major growth as is the Geologic berry bushes but no flowers yet. We have a Sparrow family in garage knot hole. Did some tree trimming. We have flowers on the Black Berry bushes. We have some Apples on Red Delicious tree. The Crab Apples are getting big.

July 16

Picked a couple more bags of Raspberries. The Peaches are getting bigger as is the Pears. We have a few Apples on our small Apple tree. We need some more rain we are still in a severe drought. Most of the Lettuce has bolted. We have Tomatoes on the plants in the container by the house. They are always first to have Tomatoes on them as they are on the south side next to house and planted in April. The Gladiolas and Host as are starting to bloom. The Tiger Lilies and the regular Lilies are done. Spotted a few tomatoes in the garden. The Pepper plants have Peppers on them. Picked some more Peas. Poppies and Morning Glories doing well. The Cherries are done. Goose Berries almost ready to pick. Teeing up the Tomatoes. Pumpkin vines are crawling all over, we need some more rain. Crabapples getting big. Mulberries are done. Milkweed is done flowering and seed pods are forming. Seen some more Monarchs. On my last jar of canned Pears from last year. Have one jar left of canned pickled Peppers. Been using the Peppers from this year too.


July 23rd

It rained again little but had water this week as we are still in a severe drought. Picked some Goose Berries. The Peaches are almost ready on one of our 5 Peach trees as each is a different type. Few Saturn peaches this year as last year my wife was bringing them to work for people to try. Finished off my last canned Pear from last year. Next frozen Peaches from last year to eat. Some Fresh Peppers put in humus, really good. Picked some Peas.The Rain/Rock garden is really coming in to its own. No sign of seeds germinating of Butterfly garden seeds in Rain/Rock garden as we are in a drought and very little rain has fallen to get them to germinate. Some big Tomatoes on the Tomato plants in containers on south side of house. The Cactus loves the weather and has added a few new lobes. Flowers blooming everywhere and I like the broadcast method of planting as I am not sure what is going to show up when and where. Take note plant Gladiolas with Milkweed as it is a good look and for those who feel the need to dress up their Milkweed. I sowed Mushroom spores last year and because of the drought no sign of any Mushrooms as conditions are not favorable . Lets hope those Mushroom spores can hold for next year. Crabapples (Firecracker) are getting really big.

July 30th

We got 2 big rains this week, so it has revitalized the gardens and trees. We have allot of Peppers in the greenhouse so soon we will can them. The Peaches are almost ready to pick on one of the Peach trees. Tomato's are appearing on the plants in the garden. The Tomatoes on the plants in the containers (south facing house) are big. The Rock/Rain Garden is bursting into its own. Picked some Goose Berries and froze them. Eaten a few Peaches that are small and ripening fast. The Pumpkin vines have started to grow everywhere. The Kali is about ready to eat. Crabapples grew over night with the rain. Planted some more greenhouse flowers I grew for my wife.The Tomato plants I am growing in the greenhouse to extend the growing season are doing well. The Fig tree in the ground has really taken off. No sign of Mushrooms after the the rains so this year looks like the spores will have wait till next year. We have a few apples on the Red Delicious tree. We did not get any Apricots as the Blossoms where killed off by the cold spring. All of the Flowers seemed have responded to rain and showing their best. Corn and Sunflowers knocked down by the rain storm.

Au. 6th

A dry week butt the Peaches are almost ready to freeze. Eating a Peach or two each day right off the tree. The Peppers in the greenhouse are ready to start picking for canning. The Globe purple flowers and the white Gladiolas are blooming. Tomato's all over the garden. Picked the last of the Goose Berries and froze them. The Rock/Rain garden is really doing well. The container Tomatoes (south side of house) are the biggest and most in amount. Pears on the trees getting bigger, Apples are bigger. Crabapples are getting there too. Going to check the Beans and Kalmia to see if ready this week. Grapes are getting bigger. This year nice to see the new flowers we tried do pretty good. Picked two bowl full's of Peaches and put them in the crisper to eat for next 2 weeks. This coming week we will pick the rest off this one tree to freeze.

Au 13th

We had some Tomatoes off the plants in the containers very good. Did some tree pruning. Brought in a couple Calligraphist. Peppers ready to pick for canning. Picked and froze 3 freezer bags of Peaches. Crabapples are almost ready . Pears are getting bigger both Bartlett and Krieger. The Petunias in greenhouse are blooming, time to plant them out. Other Peaches (different kind) getting bigger. The Peach tree hanging over the fence, Peaches were taken, not ripe yet. Had some more rain . Pumpkin and Beans crawling all over. We have allot of Tomatoes growing. The Joe Pyre Weed is looking great and bringing the Butterflies and Bees. The Tomato Plants in Greenhouse are doing great foe extended season this fall. Some more Gladiolas blooming. Milkweed producing their Seed Pods.

Au 20th

We are enjoying BLT's, nothing better. We got some more rain but we are still way down, will water, the next week 90's plus all week. We still have a half bowl of fresh Peaches in the frig and more on the way. Picked some of the Peppers in the greenhouse still more to pick for pickling. Did some pruning of a couple of trees. The Petunias I planted by seed are grown and blooming enough to plant to take over any spots in flower pots. Now that I know they are easy to grow, another flower to plant in the greenhouse and just start earlier. I have been raking up Crabapples as the tree has a bumper crop of them. I just eat a couple each day as it brings me back as a kid eating the Crabapples off the neighbors tree (it was OK). Ate the Algarrobas I picked, very good. Pears are getting bigger, the Bartlett almost ready, Krieger not until Oct. frost. The Rock/Rain still blooming with Daisies. Some more of the Gladiolas blooming. The Purple Morning Glories are deep Purple. It is the year of the Marigolds, as growing in the greenhouse is better to produce as just scattering the seed in various pots and in the ground.



Au 27th

This week was a teaching and learning moment as we had 5 days of 95 plus degrees with heat indexes of over 100. With this as it is facing you all you can do is except their will be losses. None of the verges are best at these conditions. You also need to decide what is important and what is not and draw the line as care and watering. I choose to water in these conditions Tomato , Beans and Pumpkins. Watering is just keeping them alive as their stress levels are using any and all nutrients to stay alive as city water has nothing to help except the water it self , the chlorine in water and other additives just make it worse. The only good water is rain, well, river, stream and lake water. If you have that then you have it good .Then next to decide is worth the money to try to save all or just part of it as I did. Most cases even with all the water they need the pure heat does the damage as my Cauliflower pretty much burned and started to bolt. Still seeing what made it. It will take a few days for the plants to really show the real damage. The tomatoes in many cases turned and got ripe as the stressed plant felt it was a need to produce viable seeds as new generation could be produced. My fruit trees and Grapes went through it OK. There must of been enough water in the ground as if not fruit drop would occur and may still if we get little rain .Needless to say we picked allot of tomatoes. Picked some more Peaches off the next tree about to ripen, only a few left as Squirrels have gone after them much more as a liquid resource. Grapes are almost ready to pick. We had Mulberries come back, just a small amount. Pears also seem OK but we need rain so fruit drop won't occur. Picked some more Peppers from the green house, had to put the fan on as it got too hot inside and Peppers slowed down until this weekend it got better in greenhouse. The flowers pretty much shut down for 6 days. They will tell us in a few days and hopefully it will rain.

Sept. 3rd

Pulled off most of Peaches off the next tree to produce Peaches. We may have to freeze these as we are still eating Peaches fresh from the first tree. Well it was a average August week and no rain so I had to water again. Next week another scorcher so I am watering this weekend just again to keep them alive through 90 plus degrees for 5 days with no forecast of rain. We are bringing in many Tomatoes, may have start freezing them The Bartlett Pears are starting to drop so I made Pear preserves. My wife made Raspberry Peach Complot, just incredibly good. Brought in more Peppers, got enough to can them. Did some more tree pruning. Had BLT's this week. The Grapes are getting big but have not turned Purple yet. The Flowers are recovering just in time for another heat wave. Crabapples are dropping fast but enough to keep eating off the tree as the second blush of Mulberries are done, good to have something to graze on as you walk the yard. Cleaning up all the dead flower stalks as many have called it quits for this year. The Rock /Rain garden is still blooming as it must still have access to water yet. The Milkweed pods are about ready to pop. The Grapes are bigger but not turning Purple yet.

Sept. 10th

Brought in a bunch of Tomatoes and the Grapes are turning purple and some of the bunches are all purple. Picked some more Peppers. I have at least one Pumpkin I spotted, their vines have gone everywhere. Needless to say this year was the wrong year to try to grow Mushrooms but they grow by spores and the spores are there when the conditions may be right next year. Yard cleaning is on going as things wind down. The Rock/Rain garden is still going but the Butterfly Barrel garden is done but the Milkweed have big seed pods ready to pop open. The two Joe Pyre Weed spots are still doing good as they loved this past dry hot summer. Bartlett Pears are dropping a few a day eating as they drop. We still have Peaches in the frig to eat too. The Krieger Pear tree is full of Pears but still another month or so before harvesting. The Green House is doing its job as Peppers and Tomatoes are being produced. We got some rain but not much.


Sept. 17th

Still picking enough Tomatoes to use or eat any time we need them. Eating Grapes as they are turning purple. Bartlett Pears are falling out of tree a few a day and quickly eaten or made into Pear preserves to eat that week. When I was growing up we had 2 Bartlett Pear trees and one grew really tall and my job was for my mother was to use my football to knock down enough Pears to use that day and when canning week came was to knock down the rest of them to can them. The week was a real average Sept. week. Had a couple of Figs off the tree that we bring in the house in fall. There are Beans to pick this coming week. Did some more minor tree trimming and yard work clean up. Put the sliced Peppers in salt water in frig to make ready to can the Peppers. The Tomato and Pepper plants still producing. We never got any germination from the flower seeds from the seed mix Butterfly garden we put in as it was dry all summer and watering the rock/rain garden is not ever a consideration as it totally exists as the dry stream bed it is and the flowers and trees thrive because of it.


We got rain this past week, but very little sun. Still picking Tomatoes and Bartlett Pears still falling from the tree as I make weekly Pear Preserves. Everything just looked better with rain we needed all summer. Picked a few more Peppers. All the Flowers look better now than all summer. Weather is normal. The Krieger Pears are only fruit left to harvest and that won't happen till a good frost in Oct. as it sweetens them up. They start dropping after a second good frost. Got pick some beans that survived the summer heat. We are getting ripe Tomatoes in the greenhouse. Doing some more clean up and tree trimming. The co Geologic Berry bushes just have flowers on them late again no fruit on them. The container Fig tree has Figs on it again. No Figs on the Fig tree in the ground.

Oct. 1st

We got a little more rain. For Oct. it is still warm. Picked some Peppers and Tomatoes today. Crabapples fell all in about 2 days. I put them in a couple of wicker baskets for our fall display. Krieger Pears are about ready but need a couple frosts to sweeten them up. Doing more clean up a bought some fall bulbs to plant. One of the Pumpkins got munched on by some local wild life. No Figs on the outdoor plant but it got really big. No Geologic berries just flowers. Planted the Petunias in the hanging baskets as the heat had beat them all up. Flowers look better now than all summer. The greenhouse is producing Tomatoes and Peppers. No sign of Mushrooms, maybe next year. Rock/Rain still has flowers. The Strawberry plants did grow bigger and sent out runners. The Milkweed pods starting to pop open. The Asparagus ferns got big.

Oct 8th

Got a little rain. Still bringing a few Tomatoes a week. Picked a couple more Peppers. The Greenhouse is getting less sun because of length of day so it all depends on sunny days to keep a growth even though the nights are much cooler. Went to a Farmers market to buy some Big Pumpkins as Halloween is a favorite holiday. Bad year for Pumpkins for us. Tap water is not a good alternative to rain. Krieger Pears are getting bigger and some are dropping but the vast majority still on the tree waiting for some frost days to make them sweeter. The 2 Containers Tomatoes by the house still think is summer. Did some more clean up of yard and tree trimming. Planted some more bulbs for spring and still have more to plant. Collecting seeds for next year and also dispersing some of them this fall, always fun to see what the saved seeds bring next year.


We got a good rain and the trees need it going into the winter . Krieger Pears still in the tree with some dropping as the colder it gets the sweeter the Pears. Bought a bunch of Pumpkins to decorate the yard. Picked a few more Tomatoes and a couple Peppers. Not very sunny this week but not real cold either. Planted some more Flower bulbs. Save some seeds and dispersed some too. It always fun to see what the volunteers look like. The Container Tomatoes and the Greenhouse plants continue to produce as the garden Tomatoes have stopped growing as the ground is too cold now to have any real growth. The Leaves are starting to fall. The container Fig tree has some figs on it . I will bring the Fig tree once it sheds its leaves as it gets cold. The Fig tree in the ground grew big but no Figs. We canned 6 quarts of Pears and 2 pints of Hot Peppers.


Oct 22nd

We canned 6 more quarts of Pears. We found a couple more Tomatoes. Put Lights in the greenhouse to light up for Halloween. The Pears are still mostly in the tree but we can the ones that have fallen on the ground. Mulching the leaves that have fallen but just the start. No frost or freeze yet. The week was normal 60 degrees but very little sun. Cleaning up the yard as fall arrives. Planted some more Bulbs. Leaves are really starting to fall even though warm air prevails.


Oct. 29th

It is cold and good possible freeze tonight. Canned 7 more quarts of Pears. About one third of the Pears are left on the tree and if it freezes the Pears will drop faster and sweeter. Pulling off most of the green Tomatoes. The Golgi Berry Bushes have flowers on them but no fruit. If any one knows why they are flowering so late please let me know. With this cold the Milkweed pods are popping open and I want to collect these seeds for planting next year. Leaves are falling fast now and mulched them with the mulching lawn mower.

Nov. 5th

We had Snow and cold Monday and Tuesday it killed the garden except the Beets and Cauliflower. Just about all the greenhouse was killed off too a few Pepper plants alive. This was more about the days before having very little sun to warm up the greenhouse to have a warmer greenhouse before big dip in temperature which was about 22 degrees. We canned another 7 quarts of Pears. The Kiefer Pear tree has dropped about three quarters of its Pears but the leaves are still bright green so the remainder will continue to grow and sweeten up. I pulled all the Tomatoes off all the plants before the freeze as they will turn ripe in the house. We got about 15 good size Tomatoes mainly off the container Tomatoes and those plants were also killed off. Harvested a few Green Beans off of plants too.


Nov 12th

We canned 2 more quarts of Pears and that's it. We have a good variety of fruit for the winter and spring months. Which includes frozen Peaches, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Rhubarb, and some 20 plus quarts of Pears. We do have a few Tomatoes are ripening on the counter and frozen ones from last year. We canned 3 pints of Hot Peppers (9 kinds) of Peppers. Cleaned up the garden, and put the tomato sticks back into the garage. Raked the leaves in front yard for city so then can vacuum them up to make mulch for their trees. The back yard leaves will be mulched and put in the garden. I will Rotortill them in the garden this fall if it is dry enough or first thing in the spring. We got 2 little pumpkins. Just too Hot and dry. The Fig tree I bring in the house for the Winter still has its leaves and supposed to be 50 next week so, it will be at least another week before it comes in as it has another few Figs on it but may not mature depending on the weather. In the green house a few Pepper plants survived but way too cool to do anything. Collecting seeds for next year, so far Tomatoes, Beans, Marigolds, Milkweed, Pepper, Pumpkin, and an assortment of Flowers. Spotted a few Onions coming up I missed this summer. I broadcast a bunch of Lettuce seeds from the bolted Lettuce this summer and see what comes up next year. Good news the celery survived and we will have it for dressing on Thanksgiving and Xmas. There are Beets still growing and will pick them just before a hard freeze. They may OK but because hot summer they may be just skinny roots. About 9 of the the Cauliflower plants survived but just stopped growing in the hot weather and just going to seed.


So far normal weather which is good. No rain so I mulched about half of all the leaves in the back yard (which is allot) into the garden and then rototilled them into the garden. The ground is still warm enough to start braking down the leaves. Mulched the rest of front yard leaves into the Lawn for nutrients and protection. Found one small Pepper in the greenhouse. About 10 Pepper plants survived and came back to life. The sun will control any future growth. The Beets are still in the ground and will dig them up (could be good size or absolutely just skinny roots) just before a hard freeze. The Celery is doing good so we will be able to use it for Holiday Stuffing. Cauliflower is doing nothing. Saved some more seeds for next year. We have 2 Tomatoes left and will turn red this week. It has been a good year for Fruit and Tomatoes and Peppers but not much else. The flowers we tried new seemed to do good. The Fig tree gets to stay out another week it still has leaves and some Figs. As soon as it drops its leaves I will bring it in and about mid Jan. it comes back to life. It looks like it is controlled by length of day.

Nov 27th

It snowed today so not much done this weekend other than yard clean up. Collected some more seeds for next year. For Thanksgiving we did get to enjoy Pumpkin and Fruit Pies grown by me. Last Tomato for a salad. Celery for stuffing. Fruit is where you really truly enjoy your own, nothing like it.

Dec 3rd

We bought a live balled and bur lapped tree for Xmas a norway spruce about 6ft. tall. We bring it in a week before Xmas, decorate it and then plant it on Xmas day with the hole already dug to plant it. Dug up the Gladiolas bulbs for next year put them refrigerator crisper. Continuous job of cleaning up the yard. Now all the leaves are down time to clean the gutters. Saved some more seeds for next year. Planted the last of the Spring bulbs. Another mild week so I will bring in the Fig tree this weekend. Started to clean up the Green house and Planters around the yard..Removed the filter pump from the pond.

Dec 10th

Cleaned out the Greenhouse it becomes Santa's house all lite up and ready to start using in Feb.. Found a couple of Peppers I missed, I will use them for seed next Spring. Cleaned up some more yard an started to clean out the gutters. Seed catalogues are starting to come. Put out some of the Christmas Lights. Had another Giant Sequoia sent from California will plant in the spring. We have 3 small Sequoias in the yard they are doing OK but because each is growing at a different rate this may be a case of Location Location Location.. Put a big barrel of compost that was ready, so I put on one of the raised beds.

Dec 17 & 24th

It has been a warm Dec. so cleaning the yard is going good as I raked the front yard . Put out the 10 ft Blow up Santa, always fun to see him peeking over our front yard wind break of Evergreen trees. More seed catalogues arrive in the mail. Brought in some of the flower pots into the greenhouse so I can plant Lettuce seeds some time soon. If we have much sun they will begin to grow in Feb or March or even earlier if the winter stays this warm. For Lettuce all we need is a string of Sunny days warming the soil to get the seeds to germinate. Then the colder days will just slow the growth not kill them off. Finally, I brought in the Fig tree in its new Container. Also Potted up the 2 trees I bought from California, a Coastal Redwood and a Giant Sequoia. The Coastal Redwood will become a house tree as the Fig. The Giant sequoia will be planted out in the yard in the Spring.

Dec 31st

It snowed a little but melted off fast. We decided to plant our (Norway Spruce) Christmas tree in the spring as it really has not got cold yet and we want give a it good chance to grow so it is in a protected site outside and watered for spring planting. More seeds catolougues. I prosessed all my saved seeds in to envelopes. Also prosseced the Tomatoes seeds so I won't need to buy Tomatoes Plants. Also processed the Pepper seeds and putting them in a clean plastic container with a piece of paper towel to absorb any moisture.. Can't wait to start planting in the Green House. Cleaned another Gutter, two left. Need to mulch more leaves (Lawn Mower) when I have a nice day.

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Arthur Hillson

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